Thursday, May 31, 2012


Find Your Purpose. 

Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose; a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.
~ Mary Shelley


  1. I agree. We all need a reason to get up in the morning.

  2. Balance starts here. Our big why that motivates all the actions in our life. A great picture to illustrate the quote. Thanks

  3. In working with clients, I suggest that purpose is the reason you are where you are right now in this moment of time. Purpose does changes from being a baby to being a grandparent. One of the best books on understanding purpose is "The On Purpose Person" by Kevin McCarthy. I encourage my clients to write a purpose statement as it works to crystallize clarity.

  4. Great thoughts. My purpose is to provide for our growing family and be a role model to our kids while sustaining a steady income and expanding my business ventures.

  5. I always enjoy coming here because you make me think. We all have a purpose and it's always centered around that "thing" that you love to do . . .

  6. Tried a few on for size but nothing fits yet

  7. without a purpose it's not possible to create plan/agenda, etc.

  8. Love the fact that Mary Shelley was such a forward thinker in the age she lived in.

    She's an inspiration.

    Thanks for sharing the quote the essence of which still very much applies today.
